Music as Antidote to Isolation.
Sharing art connects community across time and space.

Music infuses everyday life with modes of connection. Through the congested rhythms of city life to the openness of the countryside, sounds of life itself are sometimes dischordant, sometimes symphonic, but always present.
Whether “natural” or orchestrated, music affords us an anchor of familiarity in times of social upheaval and isolation. In times of physical distancing, we need effective forms of connection more than ever.
Moving through grief or intentionally celebrating life and love across time and space, music and other art (e.g. photography, dance, poetry and prose) prove essential to maintaining balance in unsteady times.

For songwriters and other artists, music acts as ritual — an anchor point of eternal return — churning over emotional truths through story, melody, rhythm, and rhyme. A few “local music” friends have taken to livestreaming original songs and creative covers from the self-isolation of their living rooms. I jumped on the bandwagon one Sunday afternoon.
While I’m naturally inclined to notice all the flaws in this performance, that isn’t the point. These efforts at connection are not efforts at perfeciton. In fact, I think other’s appreciate seeing the true nature of live performance, warts and all.
In times of mass physical distancing, we can still connect. My best form of connection has always been music. We can maintain social connection despite the physical distance apart. Go ahead; give it a try. Pick up the phone, set up a group chat (or happy hour, for those so inclined). You’ll be glad you did.